
The plenary program on February 4 focusses on international developments in data sharing. Distinguished speakers from all over Europe will bring your knowledge up to date, focusing on what this means for you as a developer of data sharing arrangements or service provider.

In the afternoon, there are clusters of workshops: DSBA/Simpl convergence, the usage of international frameworks like Simpl, DSSC and Gaia-X in your data space or service proposition, the role of digital identities in data sharing and several workshops on how to use the Basic Data Infrastructure (BDI) solution developed in The Netherlands. Besides that, there are specific workshops around topics like compliance, data sharing in health, European subsidies, personal data spaces and several service provider workshops

Please have a look below for the detailed program.

The plenary program on February 5 will inspire you with experiences from several data sharing initiatives. It will also deal with data sharing business models and we will talk about federated cloud to support data sharing. On this day we will also enlighten you on the role of Digital Product Passports (DPP) as enhanced data sharing building blocks.

The afternoon offers a cluster of workshops where data sharing initiatives can learn from each other. There is also a cluster around DPP and a set of workshops around data sharing for predictive maintenance. We will also deep-dive into data sharing business models. Also, some specific topics will be dealt with.

Please have a look below for the detailed program.


Registration & Coffee – networking



Sarah van Drumpt
Peter Verkoulen

Opening remarks

Berry Vetjens – Board member of IDSA and Gaia-X

Data Sharing & Cloud Policy and Innovation in The Netherlands – Panel discussion

Angela van Diejen
Frits Grotenhuis

How IDSA is contributing towards scaling up data space initiatives

Lars Nagel

Gaia-X and its role in data sharing and federated cloud

Ulrich Ahle

Data Sharing Middleware by the EC: Simpl – How can your data sharing initiative benefit from this?

Ilya Koshkin

Coffee & tea break – networking and visit booths


Towards convergence: Simpl, Gaia-X and IDSA – panel discussion

Lars Nagel
Ulrich Ahle
Klaus Ottradovetz
Peter Verkoulen – Moderator

The Multi-Layered Approach to Adopting the BDI: Insights for SME’s and Large Corporates

Steven Schouten

European Funding Programs – What’s in it for you?

Maria Deetman
Christiaan Meinsma

Insights from the DSSC: the European blueprint for building data spaces

Claire Stolwijk
Matthijs Punter


Lenny Zilverberg – Moderator

Lunch – networking and visit booths


Interactive Breakout Sessions & Workshops

Working with the DSSC Blueprint & Toolbox
Claire Stolwijk
Matthijs Punter
DSBA/Simpl convergence workshop
Klaus Ottradovetz
Lars Nagel
Ulrich Ahle
Christoph Strnadl
Ana Garcia Robles
Compatibility versus Compliance and the Gaia-X Value Proposition
Alberto Palomo
Digital Identities in data sharing
Remco van Wijk
Data Spaces in Action: Deploying Data Spaces for Real-World Operational Use
Viktoria Harder
Sebastian Opriel
Cross-sector and cross-border interoperability: lessons from building the Data Space Interoperability Compass
Gijs van Houwelingen
Yekaterina Travkina
Workshop on how to participate in European Funding Programmes
Maria Deetman
Christiaan Meinsma

Interactive Breakout Sessions & Workshops

Quatronic on implementing a BDI use case using low-code BDI components
Jan Willem Veeningen
Pieter Bas de Visser
Gaia-X for implementing data spaces rules
Christoph Strnadl
Ewann Gavard
Company Passport: EUDI (eIDAS2) Wallets & data sharing
Mark Hanhart
Gerard van der Hoeven
Pieter Verhagen
Workshop Data Sharing in Health
Olga Galanets
Irena Pavlova
Jéssica Morais
Sarah van Drumpt – Moderator
Applying Simpl for building and scaling data spaces

2 hour workshop – ends at 17:00

Klaus Ottradovetz
Ilya Koshkin
Unlocking the Future of Secure Data Sharing: Challenges, Insights, and Solutions
Maaike Berger-Laarakker
Victor den Bak
Hands-on guide to joining and scaling data spaces
Sven Löffler

Coffee and tea break – networking and visit booths


Interactive Breakout Sessions & Workshops

Databri-X project: towards data space implementations in Telecommunication, Legal and Energy
Olga Galanets
Christian Dirschl
LEO (Logistic Event Ontology) and event choreography
Laurens Lapré
Ewout Bouwman
Operationalisation of the Trust Framework: GXDCH & Automated Compliance
Ewann Gavard
The Dutch Data Vault: demo and workshop on adopting of a solid-based data vault for sharing personal data between organisations and individuals
Martijn van Dam
BDI DigiDrop: Dealing with the increasing need in business traffic to digitize evidence in interactions between organizations
Rens van der Meijs
Huibert Alblas
Applying Simpl for building and scaling data spaces

2 hour workshop – starts at 14:30

Klaus Ottradovetz
Ilya Koshkin
Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) & Data Sharing
Freek Bomhof
Peter Langenkamp


drinks / networking / visit booths


Dynamic Networking Dinner

Open for registered persons only

Dynamic Networking Dinner